5 Best Free Apps to Edit your Photos!

We are in the century of technology and social networks and most of the people nowadays love using applications such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest and many more. These applications are now not just a way of conecting with people, but even a way of advertising your work through photos. Furthermore, you can even become an influencer and  gain money from these apps.
Instagram became hugely famous only because of photos and everyone likes posting their own photos and getting likes and comments from the audience. It is wonderful when you have the best shot, but sometimes you need even good apps to edit your photos.  A social media aesthetic is the overall look of your social media account. 

This is why I will show you today the 5 Best Free Apps to edit your pictures in order to shine on Instagram! I am sure you will attract so many followers who will love your pictures and editing skills.


You can download this app for free on your iPhone or android smartphone. It is a photo and video editing app which has many filters that you can use for free.The main purpose why I use this app, is because of its variety of filters offer.  My favorite one is a4 and c8. My Instagram photos look so much more professional with these two filters. Also, another feature of  VSCO, is that you can even create an account there and upload your photos and videos to share them with the other VSCO users. There are more filters on it but you should unlock them because they are only sold. I would day they are more if you use software programs, but for your Instagram account and just personal use, I would definitely recommend you a4 and c8 filters.

2- YouCam Perfect

Who doesn't like to take a selfie ? Certainly, it is good to be original and not use too much Photoshop on your face, but why not remove that pimple on your face or your dark circles under eyes? This is for what "YouCam Perfect" comes in help. This app is a photo editing application used to edit, enhance, and retouch photos on a user's iOS or Android. It is often used for selfie and portrait editing. I love this app because it is very easy and intuitive. You can make some few edits on your face such as smoothing and acne removing. Nevertheless, I would recommend you to stay original and natural in your photos and not make major changes on your face.

3- Snapseed

Snapseed is an app owned now from Google and is used is only photo-editing application. You can download it from your Android and IOS smartphones, and it enables you to enhance photos and apply special amazing filters. It offers a variety of not only filters, but even different tools. I would say that this app offers you the opportunity to have control over its effects and filters and is quite advanced. I use this app mostly for my landscape photos and the best tool for me is HDR Scape. Give it a try and you will fall in love with it.

4- Brillar

Bring sparkles and glitters on your picture
s and videos by using Brillar app. This app is only to add the glitter effect on your photos and videos. The objects on photo that are brighter and reflective will shine like a star and will create an amazing effect on your photos, but especially on your videos. 

5- Lomograph 

Lomograph is the most recent app that I have downloaded on my phone. This application can be downloaded for free and includes several free filters with the ability to turn the regular photos into creative analog film pictures. You can experiment with the filters by changing them only by simply clicking on the photo. I use this app for the dust effect on my photos and I love the result.

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